Thursday, January 25, 2007

Karoo nights

The 20th January 2006 was meant to be a night of celebration with my mum and Moira, my mum's best friend. I was about 500 km on my way to Johannesburg when I received the news that some selfish thug had robbed my mum of her passport and tickets and that she could no longer leave Europe. I wonder if and hope that some good can come out of this, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth to think about. It gets me that in the first world, people still feel the need to steal from others rather than do an honest days work which is abundantly available. Grrrrrrr

These pictures were taken in the karoo, 10 kms from where the Orange River meets the

!Gariep Dam. The combination of moon and star is quite unusual and very beautiful

The pics were taken with a camera phone hence the poor quality you will have to enlarge this pic to see, but we were priveleged enough to be able to witness the McNaught comet, the brightest comet to be seen in 30 years. It was only discovered last year by McNaught, an Australian scientist


Blogger Vallypee said...

Dearest Momo, I can't see the good for the thieves yess, I sure hope something good comes out of this becaust at the moment I'm still very very upset about not seeing you and Moi.

Your pics are amazing Mo. Sometimes I long to be back there with all that stillness around me. I have a student who knows Malealea, and we were talking about it just yesterday. I felt very homesick. Did you see my blog? The post is what I was going to read at Moi's birthday...sniff

Thursday, 25 January, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photo's Mooska!! Although I'm taking your word for it on the comet thing :)

Thursday, 25 January, 2007  

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