Wednesday, July 26, 2006

JULY Bloooz

Do you ever have those days, weeks or months where you just want to sleep all the time? when life just seems like way too much effort and you just have no energy to do or enjoy anything? I have been feeling so flat lately, it seems as if i have spent all my energy on work, building, study, but just don't seem to be getting anywhere or doing anything meaningful. Maybe it's the weather, I wish it was warmer. It sounds like europe is toasty and warm, but here in Africa where it's supposed to be all nice and hot, I sit with blue lips, purple hands and a back that aches from the tension of being cold. Cold cold cold cold. My house is freezing to start with and my lab is even colder. I read the temperature today in my lab. It was 12 degrees. I am not used to this, and I am miserable. My supervisor just laughs when I tell him I am too cold to think straight. He doesn't even get it that I DO NOT want to come to work every day. The thought of it makes me sad. I wish the sun would come back. meep meep meep


Blogger Vallypee said...

Poor Momo, I so feel for you. I know exactly how that feels. This last winter here seemed to go on forever, but now we are having such hot weather, no one can really cope...even me! It's the humidity that kills you. Today, my fingers and feet really hurt becaue of it...rheumatism creeping in I'm afraid. Anyway, I can't complain about lack of sunshine this year, because we've had it in bucket loads and I think most people would be glad of some relief now. I believe the forecast for tomorrow is rain, and no one is complaining! It's the longest official heatwave since 1948!

If I can help with sending you some extra loot to get another heater Momo, let me know...maybe one of those super gas heaters?? I'd be glad to just say the word.

Thursday, 27 July, 2006  
Blogger Mo and Cas said...

OOOOhhh no it's ok mummy, thank you for the kind offer, but you do so much for me already. I just have to stay close to CB, he's so nice and cuddly and warm!
Big Kisses XXXXXX

Friday, 28 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor momo!

I have to admit tho that when I read 12 degrees I though "lucky girl". As you know, 12 degrees in holland is around about spring time:) But in africa it feels like 2 degrees, I know.

Hope you are keeping warm and that the sun starts shining a little brighter soon!

Your big blister

Monday, 31 July, 2006  

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